The gaming industry is huge and it's growing at a fast rate. The rise of the popularity of smart phones as gaming platforms has taken the gaming industry to new levels. When playing games, one of the most satisfying thing is getting a new "achievement". A new achievement might get u a new token, or a new tool to help you in the game. A service or system that gives you physical rewards for achievements in games will be a great addition to the games. Foursquare has just started to give rewards to users who have reached levels of check-ins. I think the same can be applied to games. In order for this to work, companies might have to be negotiated with. These companies will want to come on board since the platform or service will serve as another advertisement and marketing mode. Coupons, discounts, redemption codes, consumer items and free games can be some of the rewards. Players will be rewarded for playing and companies getting an opportunity to promote products and services to a large pool of gamers. A free cup of coffee for every golden egg found in Angry Birds will be nice.
I have to admit I love the feeling of getting a new achievement on my xbox 360 its a unique way to add a new sense of accomplishment while playing the game. The idea of getting rewarded in real life for gaming achievements is truly insightful.
ReplyDeleteI like this idea. There's already a big market for incentivized coupons but expanding on the idea to create a groupon-esque situation where you can actually select what kinds of offers you play for would be really cool!